Mr Kayson Chau Hung Yeung

Registered Nurse; Ex-President, Hong Kong Outstanding Tertiary Students’ Service; Association Awardee of Hong Kong Humanity Youth Power 2022, Hong Kong Red Cross


Kayson Chau is the Ex-President of the Hong Kong Outstanding Tertiary Students' Services Association. During his university years, he focused on health issues concerning marginalised communities. He was involved in the Hong Kong Bedbug Research Action Group, actively participating in bedbug eradication services and public education. He also contributed to scientific research and development in using fungi for bedbug eradication. The research report he co-authored prompted the Hong Kong government's Community Care Fund to include bedbug eradication as a regular funding category, benefiting tens of thousands of underprivileged families.

In addition to his work on bedbug eradication, Kayson actively engaged in rare disease services. He founded the world's largest rare disease education program called the ‘Rare Human Library’. In this programme, he led a team of over 70 university students to conduct in-depth interviews with rare disease patients, compiling the life stories of 17 individuals with rare diseases into a book. Over 19,000 copies of the book were donated to the Hospital Authority, medical schools, and more than 30 secondary schools. The goal was to deepen the understanding and awareness of rare diseases among healthcare professionals and the general public, as well as to raise collective attention to rare diseases.

Student Empowerment Panel Discussion: Service Learning

Ms Priscilla Cheung, Mr Simon Lau Kwok Wai, and Mr Kayson Chau Hung Yeung have been invited to join the panel discussion on service and learning. They will explore the relationship between service and learning, and how social collaboration can help students learn and grow by planning, executing, reflecting, and evaluating their service experiences.