Hong Kong: Where Business and Fun are Extraordinary


A world metropolis and premier meeting hub in Asia, Hong Kong simply checks all the boxes for planners. From unrivalled fundamentals to new business opportunities and diversified destination experiences, Hong Kong sets the definition of successful business events. After work, time to explore Hong Kong's ever-expanding treasure trove of experiences to reward yourself.

Nightlife Hotspot​  

Immerse in an authentic cultural experience amidst vibrant neon signs and the enticing aroma emanating from the food stalls, as you weave through the night market complete with fortune-telling services and diverse cultural spots nearby!

Must-experience Dynamic Events & Festivities​

Special occasions and festivities take place year-round. Make them your work trip’s bonus attractions and maximise your stay in Hong Kong!​

After-work Must-do's

R​echarge after a productive event in the city that never sleeps. Set aside ample time to explore Hong Kong on a whole new level anytime after work.​

Must-explore Attractions​

Inspirational or invigorating. Indoor or outdoor. Hong Kong’s new and diversified experiences will surprise you in every turn. Make the most out of your business trip/ Make your trip more fulfilling by extending your stay, or simply return for more!​

Supporting Organisations