Dr Sean McMinn

Director, Center for Education Innovation, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Dr Sean McMinn, the Director of Center for Education Innovation at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), has over 20 years’ experience in higher education. He has won the 2016 SHSS Teaching Excellence Award and the 2007 Teaching Innovation Award for his work with podcasts and education at HKUST. Sean holds a PhD in E-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning from Lancaster University, United Kingdom, and has taken up various teaching and leadership roles at the HKUST and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has interests in educational technology, digital literacies, and networked learning and has published and presented at international conferences on these subjects.

Navigating the Future of Education: From Generative AI to Cyber-Physical Learning

In a world marked by technological advancement and societal transformation, educators across all levels, from K-12 to vocational and higher education, are experiencing challenges to how, what, and why we teach. For example, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, not only have the potential to disrupt education sectors, but also the future of work. As we navigate these changes, a critical consideration arises: Should education be value-based, skills-based, knowledge-based, or a harmonious combination of these? This fundamental question guides the pursuit of pedagogical innovation, influencing the design and delivery of educational experiences. And with these new innovations comes the need for educators to think about new processes, services, and strategies. This talk will explore the essence of innovation in education, transcending traditional boundaries to consider new products, services, and organisational paradigms. A particular focus is placed on the emergence of Generative AI, a groundbreaking development that offers opportunities for creativity, personalisation, and engagement within the learning process, but also comes with ethical and equity implications. Cyber-Physical Learning (CPL) is also highlighted as a holistic design approach that combines pedagogy and technology in disruptive yet efficient ways, seamlessly integrating cyber and physical experiences. This notion extends across all levels of education, from foundational learning to vocational training and higher academia.