We are pleased to announce that the ‘Learning & Teaching Expo’ (LTE) 2024 Call for Papers submission deadline is now extended to 15 June 2024 (Saturday).

We invite academics, education pioneers, and industry leaders to submit papers directly or to nominate teaching fellows who have delivered remarkable teaching cases.

Themed ‘Shaping Education for a World of Change’, LTE welcomes individuals like yourself and your teaching fellows, who have profound professional experience and innovative educational ideas that make a meaningful impact. In this year’s edition, LTE is set to broaden its horizons, covering new themes and emerging trends, such as Language Learning, Sustainability Education, Parent Education, Cultural Intelligence, and more. For a comprehensive list of themes, please click here.

In response to the call for papers, you are invited to submit a paper directly or nominate your teaching fellows who have delivered remarkable teaching cases.

【Submit a Paper】Please click here to complete the online form. For guidance on preparing submission materials and supporting documents, please refer to Annex 2.

【Nominate a Speaker】To nominate an outstanding teaching case for speaking at LTE 2024, please click here to provide us with their basic information. We will reach out to the nominated teachers to extend our invitation to them.

All received papers will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Shortlisted and selected cases will be invited to present and share their experience at LTE 2024.

For enquiries, please contact us at +852 2624 1020 (Ms Sophia Yau) or +852 2624 1058 (Ms Celine Law) or at papers-ltexpo@edcity.hk.

Presentation Formats


Thematic Theatre

Educators share innovative and effective teaching strategies and pedagogies, as well as quality resources in various areas including K12 Education, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, Tertiary Education, etc.


Open Lesson

Teachers conduct open lessons and interact with audience to demonstrate how to integrate EdTech with innovative pedagogies in different subjects to build up students’ 21st century competencies, enhance engagement and motivation in learning.


STEAM / MAKER Project Showcase by Teachers and Students

Teachers and students showcase their STEAM / Maker achievements resulted from innovative education and project-based learning.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Assessment and Data
  • Computational Thinking
  • STEAM / Maker
  • Design Thinking
  • Blended Learning
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Gamified and Immersive Learning
  • Innovative Pedagogies and Lesson Design
  • Virtual Learning Environment
  • Student Leadership Development
  • Moral and National Education
  • National Security Education
  • Adaptive Learning
  • Life and Career Planning
  • Life Education
  • Future Skills and Mindset
  • Student Entrepreneurship Development
  • Service Learning
  • Vocational Education
  • Micro-credentials
  • Drama and Arts in Education
  • Growth Mindset and Character Building
  • Values Education
  • Well-being and Social-Emotional Learning
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Gifted Education
  • Home-School Cooperation
  • Positive Parent Education
  • School Leadership and Transformation
  • Sustainability of Education
  • Financial Literacy
  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Reading Literacy
  • Language Learning
  • Translational Humanities
  • Cross-regions Cooperation
  • Cultural Intelligence

What Do Our Speakers Say?

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Learning & Teaching Expo has had a brilliant few days. We’ve got many many interchanges with people across the education sectors, universities, government, teachers learning about the direction of education, opportunities for the future, how we might improve our skills and grasp more opportunities for students which is what it’s all about. Thanks Learning & Teaching Expo.

Dr Darren Bryant Head, Department of Education Policy and Leadership; Associate Director, The Joseph Lau Luen Hung Charitable Trust, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, The Education University of Hong Kong

Here at LTE, we can meet a lot of educators and we can take this opportunity to exchange experiences and gain inspiration for preparing our teaching in the new year.

Ms Betty Cheng Suk Wah, Vice Principal, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College