Ms Ruby Yong

Program Director,
The D. H. Chen Foundation


Ruby is a committed practitioner of compassion-based philanthropy, education, and non-profit governance & management. She is currently a Director of Teach for HK, Shakespeare4ALL and VolTra, all non-profit organizations offering diverse opportunities to promote students’ well-being and unleashing their potential. Ruby has a BA and M. Phil from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Panel Discussion: Walking with Schools on their Well-Being Journey

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving educational landscape, fostering the well-being and values of students has become a paramount concern for schools and educational institutions. To address this critical aspect of education, several foundations in 2021 formed the Education Funders Circle, with hopes of mutual learning and addressing this issue at scale. The panel brings together representatives from various foundations of the Education Funders Circle with extensive experience working hand in hand with schools on Well-being and Values Education initiatives, from Positive Education to Social Emotional Learning and more.

The panel aims to shed light on the transformative journeys schools have undertaken in their quest to provide holistic education that nurtures not only academic excellence, but also the emotional, social, and moral development of their students. These foundations have been instrumental in partnering with schools and NGO’s to develop and implement innovative programmes that foster well-being, resilience, and values-based education.

During this enlightening panel discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to gain insights into the following key areas:

- Collaborative Initiatives: Discover how foundations have collaborated with schools to co-create and implement programmes that promote well-being and Values Education, and how these programmes have affected students, teachers and parents.

- Challenges and Solutions: Hear about the challenges schools face in integrating well-being and values education into their curricula and the creative solutions that have been devised in response.
- Measuring Impact: Learn about the methods and tools utilised to assess the impact of well-being and values education initiatives on students’ lives.

- Sharing Success Stories: Speakers will share inspiring success stories and case studies, demonstrating the tangible benefits of prioritising well-being and values in education.

- Future Directions: Explore the forward-thinking strategies and future directions that foundations and schools envision for enhancing well-being and Values Education.