Organised By

Bailey Communications HK

Presented By

Supported By

Education Bureau HKSAR

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Strategic Partners

Special Supporting Organisations

Overseas Supporting Organisations

Projector and Touch Panel Sponsor

Audio System Sponsor

Co-located Event

Registration Solution Partner

Media Partners

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Local Supporting Organisations

Association of HKCCCC School Heads

Association of Principals of Government Secondary Schools

Catholic Education Office, The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong

CUHK School Heads Alumni Association

Education Convergence

Educational Development Centre The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Grant Schools Council

HKPC Academy

Hong Kong Aided Primary School Heads Association

Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute

Hong Kong Association for Mathematics Education

Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council

Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters’ Association

Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers

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Hong Kong Gifted Education Teachers’ Association

Hong Kong Innovative Education Association

Hong Kong Innovation Foundation

Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Hong Kong Metropolitan University, School of Education and Languages

Hong Kong Private Schools Association

Hong Kong Special Schools Council

Hong Kong Subsidized Primary Schools Council

Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council

Kowloon Region School Heads Association

Lingnan University

New Territories School Heads Association

Physical Society of Hong Kong

Sheng Kung Hui Primary School Principal Conference

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


The Conference of Sheng Kung Hui Secondary School Heads

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Association of The Heads of Secondary Schools

The Hong Kong Buddhist Association Primary School Heads Council

The Hong Kong Buddhist Association Secondary School Principals

The Hong Kong Special Education School Heads Association

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd. (SESHK)

The University of Hong Kong

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

Union of Government Primary School Headmasters and Headmistresses