Professor Karen Cheung

President, UNESCO Hong Kong Association;
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development


Professor Karen Cheung’s expertise spans lifelong learning, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), monitoring and evaluation, sustainable development planning and governance, innovative teaching, and social sciences.

Since 2002, Professor Cheung has dedicated herself to researching and developing UNESCO’s education for sustainable development initiatives. She actively plans and promotes education for sustainable development projects.

Presided over more than ten international and domestic research projects, Professor Cheung has published more than 40 papers in domestic and international academic forums and journals (1 patent, 6 software copyrights), publications including the Ministry of Education’s comprehensive research into China’s Sustainable Development Education Innovation Practice(Editor: Chen Xiaoya) (2009), Sustainable Development Planning UN75 Dialogue Booklet UN 75 Dialogue – Hong Kong Story (2020), Carbon Literacy and Low Carbon Lifestyle (2022), The ‘UNSDGs Climate Action’ Hong Kong Teaching Curriculum Casebook (2023), UNESCO World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School-Based Curriculum Casebook (2021 1st Ed., 2024 2nd Ed.), Carbon Literacy and Low Carbon Lifestyle (2024) etc.

Professor Cheung received the ‘Education for Sustainable Development Pioneer Award’. Under her leadership, her team received the ‘Outstanding Team of China’s 20 Years of Education for Sustainable Development’ and Hong Kong was also successful in being recognised as the ‘Most influential region of China’s 20 Years of Education for Sustainable Development’.