Professor Wang Su

Former Director, Institute of International and Comparative Education;

Former Director, Research Center for STEM Education, National Institute of Education Sciences

Vice Chairman and Secretary General, Engineering Education, Education Legal Committee of China Education Development Strategy Society


Professor Wang is a researcher; the Former Director, Institute of International and Comparative Education; Member, Standing Executive Committee, the Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy; Director, Future School Laboratory; Director, Research Center for STEM Education. Her research areas include future schools and the international comparative studies of STEM education.

Since 2014, Professor Wang has led the China’s Future School Innovation Plan which has published the China STEM Education White Paper and China’s Future School 2.0 Innovation Plan, etc. and has established a collaborative research network on future school. In 2017, she initiated the ‘China STEM Education 2029 Innovation Action Plan’ which explored the ‘China STEM Education White Paper’ and ‘STEM Teacher Competency Rating Standard’, and established cooperative innovation centre network on STEM education across China. At the same time, Professor Wang is the leading expert of dozens of projects with Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Education who has participated in various research projects for policy decisions. There are 30 publications under her name with more than 60 journal articles. Professor Wang was the awardee of the Second-Class Award in the 3rd edition of National Education Sciences Research Outstanding Achievement Award and the Third-Class Award in the 6th edition.